About Us
Who We Are
What We Do
- We promote the circular economy.
- We run upcycling workshops, courses and events at our Shed (Shed 7D, 50 Clyde St, Hamilton North), in schools and the community in the Newcastle and Hunter area.
- We make and sell products made from re-purposed jeans, T-shirts and other clothing and textile waste. Visit our shop here or at our Shed to find upcycled products made by our members and volunteers.
- We sell materials for upcycling, including jeans ($2), T-shirts ($1), discarded fabrics and haberdashery items.
- We offer connection with like-minded people in a meaningful and purposeful way.
The Samaritans Foundation Opportunity shops donate discarded jeans and T-shirts to us and we are very grateful for their support of our work. We're also grateful for the support we've received from Hunter Councils, and NSW and Australian government through grants and contracts.
The Circular Economy
The traditional linear economic approach is becoming increasingly unsustainable – environmentally and socially. It leads to more and more waste by going along a straight line of: Taking, making, consuming, throwing away.
Rather than keep stuff in circulation, the liner approach relies on large quantities of cheap, easily accessible materials and energy. It is made worse by planned obsolescence where products have been designed to have a limited lifespan and encourage consumers to buy it again. (Just look at fast fashion!)
The circular economy, on the other hand, aims to keep waste to a minimum. When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible. These can be productively used again and again, thereby creating further value.
By using discarded clothing and textile items, Upcycle Newcastle is part of the circular economy. In creating new items from old, we are reducing the demand on new resources as well as saving waste going to landfill.
Become a member
Membership is $25/year and includes $20 worth of materials from Upcycle Newcastle (one purchase per year), member only workshops and member only offers.
To become a member visit https://www.joinit.org/